[Y]our child did it. After years of work, sweat, (nearly) late papers, worrying about him, questioning your parenting skills, it all paid off.
You couldn’t be more proud. Your child is officially a high school graduate and now, he wants to attend college.
However, while you were pushing him to adulthood, you weren’t always there. Your contact, influence, and guidance was only limited. This limits the likelihood that he will continue his formal education.
So you ask a logical question: As a non-custodial parent, how much are you obligated to pay toward that advanced education?
Facts Why Divorce Affects College for Children
Before we go farther, consider:
- 74% of children raised in nuclear families with no divorce attend college.
- 54% of children from broken homes attend college.
- 6% of non-custodial parents assist with their children’s college.
That last fact is shocking. No wonder fewer from divorced families go to college; too many are limited by the income/funds because only one parent (usually the mother) is paying the bills. And of course, the biggest reason cited for children of divorce to not attend college is, a lack of funds. Divorce affects college for children.
Divorce is costly in so many ways, both financial and emotionally, but what many overlook (or don’t realize), is that it also costs your children’s future. Divorce costs there, too.
What Should You Do to Help Fund College for Children of Divorce
Custodial parents have reacted by requesting help via the courts and legislation to compel their former spouses to help contribute to their children’s advanced education. Many states have put into place laws to mandate the non-custodial parents contribute at least some small portion of the college costs of their kids.
[tweet “I believe child support relief contributes to non-custodian’s lack of assisting kids in college.”]
Successful non-custodial parents should do that on their own. Unfortunately I believe the relief of child support, when a child leaves high school, is so great that the obligation for contributing to college is often lost.
But regardless of motivation, increased funds will help your child in college, and maybe he will wind up with a degree. Then more of these children become college graduates, the more your children overcome the affects of divorce.
Paid feature Image from Adobe Stock photos.