by Fred Campos | Jun 5, 2017 | iWatch
[I]’m finishing up House of Cards Season 3 Reviews as Season 5 is coming out. Spoiler alert, please don’t read any further if you haven’t seen the episode or watched the show. Enjoy and share in the discussion! House of Cards Season 3, Chapter 35...
by Fred Campos | Mar 3, 2016 | iWatch
[I]’m finishing up Netflix’s House of Cards Season 3 before the next season starts on Friday. This post is dedicated to my attempt at continuing my House of Cards Marathon reviews. Spoiler alert, please don’t read any further if you haven’t...
by Fred Campos | Feb 5, 2016 | iWatch
[I]s there anyone on television more ruthless, more devious, and more fun to watch than US President Frank Underwood, a.k.a. Kevin Spacey in ‘House of Cards’? He had me hooked in the show’s very first season, when he strangled a pet dog in his bare...
by Fred Campos | Jan 30, 2016 | iWatch
[T]here is only one day on my 2016 calendar which I have circled in red – July 22nd – and that’s not because it’s my birthday. It’s something much bigger than that – July 22nd is the scheduled release date for ‘Star Trek...
by Fred Campos | Nov 3, 2015 | iWatch
[I] took the day off to watch Netflix’s House of Cards Season 3 on opening day, February 27, 2015. Despite best efforts, I didn’t watch and review the entire season, I actually only made it through three episode. Alas, I have a wife, a business, and three...
by Fred Campos | Oct 23, 2015 | iWatch
[I] took the day off to watch Netflix’s House of Cards Season 3 on opening day, February 27, 2015. Despite best efforts, I didn’t watch and review the entire season, I actually only made it through three episode. Alas, I have a wife, a business, and three...