4 Mistakes You Should Avoid When There Is an Issue of Child Custody

written by Fred Campos
4 Mistakes You Should Avoid When There is an Issue of Child Custody https://DaddyGotCustody.com

As a rule, divorce in the presence of children, especially minors, means another additional circle of hell to existing personal grievances and disagreements about the property. And if earlier, in most cases, the mother received the right to full care and accommodation with her children, now the situation has changed. Each of you will have to prove your right to be with your children, so in this article, we decided to list four main mistakes that you need to avoid when solving questions about child custody.

1. The Desire to Win at All Costs, in Seeking Child Custody

Unfortunately, in the case when you have minor children and you cannot agree on the way of your life and their upbringing peacefully and independently, then cheap online divorce is impossible. You will have to go through all the bureaucratic procedures, spend many days in the courtroom, and give the lawyers a substantial amount of money. And very often, personal resentment and fear of losing contact with children reveal the worst aspects of our character, making us feel like winning at all costs. And then the dirtiest methods begin to be used by two parties.

However, we do not recommend that you do so. Indeed, regardless of the court’s decision, your children will remain yours – no one will ever be able to reverse this fact. Moreover, you will also remain a role model for your children, and as you know, children quickly adopt both good and bad behavior patterns from their parents. Whatever happens, try to maintain your dignity in the eyes of your children – when the emotions subside and everything is behind, most likely you will be ashamed in front of the children for your unworthy behavior.

2. Ignoring the Interests of the Child

Ignoring the interests of the child is a logical consequence of your desire to win at all costs. Being blinded by emotions, anger, and resentment, each of the former spouses tries to inflict more pain on the second, using the child as a tool. Moreover, the interests of the child are ignored. And perhaps this is the worst thing you can do in the cheap divorce process. Even if you manage to prove your position to the court, at heart you will still know that you have ignored the interests of the child – for example, he asked you to let him see his mother, and you forbade him to do so. Or vice versa.

3. Making Your Child Custody Case Public in Social Media

Especially if your case is still being considered by the court. If you still don’t know, your social profiles are sources of very valuable evidence that you provide to everyone who wants to receive them, voluntarily and with your own hands. Therefore, if you write angry posts that your ex-spouse is so bad that he wants to take the children, or the judge is so unfair that he did not take your point of view, or the lawyers drew their diplomas in Photoshop, then be sure that this entire information campaign pouring dirt on the participants in the process will turn against you. And the judge will think again – what can you give your child if you yourself behave like a child.

4. Assuming That You Are 100% Right and the Court Will Take Your Side

Overconfidence is a very bad trait in this case. If you would fill out divorce forms in Idaho online with the divorce website then you would probably have a pretty strong guarantee. However, this option is only possible if the couple managed to find a compromise on all important issues, but apparently, this is not your case. You have to prove your rights to your children. And at least it’s not wise to be sure that the court will take your side only because you are not guilty, or you earn more, or because you are a mother (father).


You need to accumulate all your resources and end the war for the benefit of the interests of the child. The best way is the path of an honest and dignified person. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to enlist the support of a good lawyer, provide him with all the existing evidence, accept the fact that the interests of your children are more valuable and more important than your personal interests and go this way to the end.

What advice would you add?

Today’s Guest Author

Greg Semmit has years of experience working with different types of legal documents and writing about Family Law for educational purposes. Currently, he is working at OnlineDivorcer company, where he writing blog articles about divorce and divorce cases. In his free time, he likes roaming the streets of New York with his Olympus taking photos of the best spots in the city.



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