[I] am attending the Fellowship Church‘s annual pastor’s Creative Church Conference, better know as C3. Here are my notes from this evenings session. Levi Lusko, pastor of Fresh Life Church shares about seeing life through the LENS or eyes of a Lion, during his C3 evening message.
Leadership isn’t a title, it’s a lifestyle.
- It is not having power, it is living a life worth following.
- Lions have bigger pupils.
- Lions have white stripes, to maximum glare.
- Lions are more efficient in using light.
- We need to see life through the eyes of a lion.
- We are not looking for more light. Jesus already came, He is the light of the world.
- We need the pupils of our soul dilated. Then we can see what is right in front of us.
- God was with us during our emergencies.
- The less you feel you need to hear this message, the more you probably do.
- We should come to church, not only for stuff ourselves, but for someone who needs to hear this.
- We need a telescope of faith, because callings are invisible.
- We need to learn to see ourselves not as how we are, but as God sees us.
- You are destined for impact. There is a platform in your life God wants you to use.
[tweet “Train for a trial you are not yet in. @LeviLusko”]
1. L-ook Beyond, Eye of a Lion, Telescope of Faith
2 Cor 4:16-18
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
- Paul is telling us at all time, there are things happen we can see, and things we cannot see.
- The secret to not giving up, is staring and care more for the things you can’t see, and glancing at the thing we can see.
- Your Spirit gets stronger the longer you walk with Jesus.
- You can’t see what is there you have to see what God says is there.
- Gaze at God, and then glance at life.
- Dare the devil to scare you when you are loaded up with God, and know YOUR story.
- What ever the devil hands you, you have to load up on God’s word.
2. E-arnest Expectation, Eye of a Lion
Rom 8:19
19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.
- We encounter difficulty, we should jump up, because God has a plan, He is still good and He is up to something.
- Suffering is an opportunity for you to be used by God.
- God doesn’t cause evil, but He is in control of it.
- Some stuff is horrible at the moment, but God has the ability to accomplish good for it.
- Whatever God says “Yes” to something we wish He’d say “No” too.
- God is going to make the devil pay for everything he was stupid enough to do in your life.
- He give the most difficult assignments to His most trusted soul.
3. N-ew Normal, New Ways, Eye of a Lion
- Learn to look at the normal in your life in new ways.
- Your mission field is the next person you meet!
- God calls people to step out, but He mostly calls people to stay put. Reach the cubical next to YOU.
- There are people in our nation who are headed to hell, who need God badly.
4. S-unday’s Coming, Eye of a Lion
- Saturday is the day, before Jesus comes again on Sunday.
- Saturday is tough, when it is easy to lose heart.
- Sunday is not an end, it’s HIM.
My Takeaway from Eye of a Lion
We are all called to be a part of God’s calling on other’s lives. Most of us are called reach those around us. Suffering is not from God but can be used by God to His glory. We need to have our eyes of a lion L-E-N-S on. Look beyond, Earnest expectations, New ways because, Sunday’s coming!
What are you suffering through? What platform is God calling you to be the eyes of a lion?
Featured image from DollarPhotoClub.com, unless otherwise stated, all scripture is NIV.